Hike Hawk Rock At Your Own Pace – National Hiking Day

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Did you ever want to hike up Hawk Rock but were afraid you wouldn’t make it or the kids couldn’t handle it?  Or, were you afraid of holding other hikers up?

National Family Hiking Day is Sept., Sat. 28th and a chance to hike Hawk Rock at variable paces and levels. The hike leader will be the last person up and back providing the opportunity for friends and families of all levels.  Distance is 1.5 to 2 miles.  Elevation is 700 ft. with some rocks and steep rock steps.  We will meet at 9:00 am. at the Duncannon Recycling Center on Watershed Drive. Call Deb at 717-395-2462 or email at dtakach@duncannonatc.org to register.

2 thoughts on “Hike Hawk Rock At Your Own Pace – National Hiking Day

  1. Debra Takach

    Crystal I will put your name on the register as attending. Would you please send me your email address so I have a means of contacting you in case of bad weather and a need to cancel? My email address is dtakach@duncannonatc.org.

    It is easier for contact using email than Word Press. Thanks.
    Deb Takach


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