SATC Trailmaster Jeff Buehler instructs workers who are building a water bar to stop erosion on the AT
Saturday, March 23; Saturday, March 30; Saturday, April 6; Saturday, April 20; Sunday May 5; Sunday, May 19, 2013 MEET: 9:00 AM, Park N Ride Dauphin, PA, Rt. 225 north just off rt. 322, Dauphin, PA (Look for gray Chevy Colorado with PA licence plate ATHIKER in parking lot)
Bring lunch and plenty of water. Wear old clothes and boots. Tools, safety gear and instructions are provided. For more information contact SATC Trailmaster Jeff Buehler, 717-657-8281, AThikerJB@aol.com
SATC is one of thirty-one groups that maintain a part of the Appalachian Trail. SATC volunteers contribute well over a thousand hours each year toward the care and preservation of this and other footpaths in Central Pennsylvania. SATC invites you to join in caring for our footpaths, and in helping to preserve and conserve our trail lands. Trail care outings are open to everyone – membership, while welcome, is not required. Contact Jeff Buehler to
- Volunteer to maintain a section of trail
- Add your name to the alert list
- Sign up for a work trip
- Report a trail problem
*ATC Maintenance Workshops
Each year the Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC), in partnership with clubs and government agencies, conducts workshops for current and new volunteers. Workshops cover basic maintenance, sawyer certification, rock work, winch skills, wilderness first aid, environmental monitoring, and more.
The workshops generally are open to any participant. Some have age requirements, and all require preregistration. Registration deadlines are generally one week prior to the workshop, unless otherwise noted. There are no fees unless indicated. Most workshops require wearing work clothes (you’ll probably get dirty), and you should also bring work gloves and sturdy boots. You’ll need to bring a lunch to most of the workshops. If your club needs additional training, we encourage you to contact your ATC regional office. We appreciate all your hard work in maintaining the A.T.
ATC provides a sawyer certification program for Appalachian Trail volunteers. Certification is required for anyone using a chain saw or crosscut-saw on the Trail