- Reggie and John take a break.
- On the way back down.
- Vanessa and Taylor at Hawk Rock
Do you have a dog and like to hike? Want to learn more about hiking with dogs? Come to a dog friendly, average paced, 6 mile loop hike over moderate terrain on Sat., May 6th. We will be walking on the AT from Rt. 850 up Blue Mountain to Darlington trail to Miller’s Gap, returning down the road to the AT back to the start. Since there is limited parking at the AT trailhead, we will meet at 9:00 am. at the State Game Lands 170 Parking area located on Rt. 850 about 18 miles west of Marysville on the left side of the road. It is 0.5 miles past Cove Rd which will be on your right. If you get to the AT trailhead parking area you have gone too far. We will walk the 0.3 miles from the game lands parking area along the road to the AT trail head. Call Debra at 395-2462 or email dtakach@duncannonatc.org to register.