Category Archives: Duncannon Outdoors Club

Get outside and learn about the nature surrounding us all.

Animal Signs on the Takach Property Hike

Duncannon Outdoor Club LogoThe Duncannon Outdoor Club sponsored a hike on Saturday, August 17th on the mountain land belonging to the Takach family. It was a great hike with lots to see. We found many animal signs: scats, galls, feathers, tracks, rubs, food litter, trails, bones, and dens. Seeing a doe and her fawn on the way to the hiking sight provided an exciting beginning.

Once on the property we started looking for signs. The most startling find was the 4 foot black snake the hike leader, Debra Takach, almost stepped on. It was sunning itself in a field. We found lots of scats, but the most interesting looked like the bear scats illustrated in the field guides. It would not be far fetched if it was truly bear scats, because the Takach family has had 3 visits from a mother bear and her yearling on their deck. The turkey scratchings we found were littered with scats and down turkey feathers. The turkeys were no doubt molting. An interesting set of deer tracks provided us with a mystery. It was obvious from the front tracks that the deer had stomped its front feet followed by right front foot scratching or pawing. Our guess was a buck was standing its ground and giving a warning to someone or something. All in all it was a wonderful day hike.

Come out to our next hike which has been moved to the 2nd Saturday in September (Sept. 14th) instead of our usual 3rd Saturday of the month. More information regarding this hike is forthcoming.

Duncannon Outdoor Club

Duncannon Outdoor Club LogoOn August 17th the public is invited to attend an average paced 2 mile hike on the mountain land belonging to the Takach Family while looking for animal signs. We will be bushwhacking over rough terrain. Wear long pants. Appropriate for ages 8 to adult. Meet at the Duncannon Family Health center at 9:00 am to carpool. Call 834-9216 or email to register.

October 13th Haldeman Island Hike

The Duncannon Appalachian Trail Community (DATC) and the Duncannon Outdoor Club (DOC) will be hosting another hike on Haldeman Island this year on Sunday October 13th from 9:00AM to 12:30PM.  We have openings for 10 to 30 guests.  First priority will be given to those who attended the June 1st hike yet had to leave before our hike leader could give them the grand tour.  Contact to signup for this rare opportunity

This hike will primarily focus on viewing and learning about Pennsylvania waterfowl such as ducks, herons, egrets and cormorants.  Dress appropriately for the weather and wear Continue reading

Duncannon Outdoor Club

The public is invited to attend a scavenger hunt Saturday, July 20th on the Cornerstone Christian Trails.  This hike is for the whole family ages 5 and up.  It is a leisurely paced 1.14 mile hike through woods and fields on easy terrain.  Try and find as many things as you can to check off your scavenger sheet.  Meet at Cornerstone Christian Church Duncannon at 10:00 am.  Call 834-9216 or email to register.

Duncannon Outdoor Club June Hike

Wildwood Park

On Sat., June 15th the Duncannon Outdoor Club will be hiking an average paced 3 mile hike on easy terrain at the Wildwood Nature Center. We will search for animals to fill out scavenger cards as we walk the trails. Bring water, a snack and binoculars. We will meet at the Duncannon Family Health Center at 9:00 am. to carpool. Call 834-9216 or email to register. Hope to see you there! Continue reading

Duncannon Outdoor Club (DOC)

The next DOC event is on Sat., May18th. We will be hiking from Scott’s Farm to Sherwood Drive and back. It is an average paced 2 mile hike to look for Mayapples, Violets and Jack in the Pulpits over easy terrain. Bring water and a snack. Meet at the Duncannon Family Health Center at 9:00 am. to carpool. Call 834-9216 or email to register.

Duncannon Outdoor Club (DOC) April Hike

On Sat. April 20th join the DOC early bird hike at the Wildwood Nature Center in search of Bluebirds, Red-winged Blackbirds and Wood Thrushes. Meet at the Duncannon Family Health Center at 9:00 am to carpool. Bring water, a snack, and binoculars. Call 834-9216 or email to register.

Eastern Bluebird

Eastern Bluebird

Red Winged Blackbird

Red Winged Blackbird

Wood Thrush

Wood Thrush