On Sun., April 14th the Duncannon Outdoor Club is sponsoring an average paced 9 mile loop hike over easy to moderate terrain at the Weiser State Forest -Haldeman Track. Much of the hike will be on dirt roads with a gradual ascent of about 700 ft. in elevation. Once at the top, we will follow the mountain ridge to a beautiful view at a hang glider site then descent 800 ft. back to the starting point. Pokeweed and its uses will be the theme for discussion. Meet at the Geisinger Holy Spirit Duncannon Health Center at 9:00 am. or alternately at Route 147 AT /Clarks Ferry Parking (40.395767,-77.00871) at 9:15 am. Call Deb at 717-395-2462 or email dtakach@duncannonatc.org to register.