Duncannon is one of the few official Appalachian Trail Communities and we are eager to share the pride and enthusiasm of being part of a national treasure. Join us for a family-friendly festival while learning about the Appalachian Trail and other outdoor opportunities in Central PA.
We will celebrate our next annual Duncannon Appalachian Trail Community Festival on Saturday, June 21st, 2014. There will be hikes and outdoor activities in the morning and from noon to 4PM there will be entertainment, exhibits, presentations and vendors near the town square on High Street between Cumberland and Ann streets.
Quick Links
Attractions • Hike Info • Presentations • Live Music • Raffle Prizes • Commemorative Tokens • Parking & Directions • Vendor List • Festival Friends • Join the Fun • Mission Statement
Coming Attractions:
- Admission and all presentations are FREE!
- Shavers Creek Raptor Exhibit with live birds of prey!
- Smokey the Bear will be there to raise fire prevention awareness.
- Audubon Birding presentation by the knowledgeable and talented Paul Zeph.
- Photography Presentations by top notch photographers. Be sure to bring your camera!
- Warrior Hikers, veterans hiking the AT to help fellow veterans, tell their story.
- Perry County History presentation by author Dennis J. Hocker.
- Live Musical Entertainment throughout the day.
- Over $500 of Raffle Prizes donated by vendors.
- One Free Raffle Ticket for every attendee! (Children must be accompanied by an adult)
- Hiking and Outdoor Clubs:
- Food vendors.
- Arts and Crafts vendors.
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Take a Hike!
Many of the hiking clubs at the festival will be leading their own hikes in the morning and they encourage the public to join them for a fun time hiking the Duncannon area trails. Some hikes are easy while some are more challenging so be sure to find a hike to match your abilities.
Super Easy – 9:00 to 10:30 – Scavenger Hunt at Cornerstone Christian Church Trails – sponsored by the Duncannon Outdoor Club. This is a slower paced 1.14 mile easy-terrain hike through woods and fields on mostly wide paths. It is a hike for the whole family, especially young children ages 5 and up. Try and find as many things as you can to check off your scavenger list. Meet at the Cornerstone Christian Church Duncannon at 9:00 am. Call 834-9216 or email dtakach@duncannonatc.org to register.
Where to park.
Very Easy – 9:30 to 10:30 – Birding Walk along Shermans Creek – Sponsored by Audubon Pennsylvania, this is a leisurely stroll along Shermans Creek on Duncannon Borough’s Watershed Road. We’ll meet at the parking lot near the recycling center and then walk along the level gravel road for half an hour then turn around and head back the same way. This hike is suitable for all ages and everyone is welcome. We have some binoculars to lend out but please bring your own if you have them. E-mail pzeph@duncannonatc.org for more information.
Where to park.
Moderate – 8:00 to 1:00 Start – Walk Duncannon – Sponsored by the Susquehanna Rovers Volksmarch Club of Harrisburg, both the 5k (3.1 miles) and 10k (6.2 miles) are walk-your-own-pace hikes starting with registration at Christ Lutheran Church located at the High and Plum Streets intersection. Both walks follow a portion of the Appalachian Trail through Duncannon highlighting some of Duncannon’s history and points of interest. Then, depending upon trail chosen, will lead you along the beauty of Sherman’s Creek or take you both the Juniata River Bridge and the Clark’s Ferry Bridge. Both walks return to the Christ Lutheran Church for completion. Walks are stroller accessible; however, due to street construction wheelchair accessibility may be limited. All walks must be completed by 4:00 p.m. These are self-guided walks using directions provided upon registration. Walks are free to the public. Bottles of water and snacks will be available for purchase at the starting location. E-mail cjohnson@duncannonatc.org if you have any questions.
Where to park.
Challenging – 10:00 to 12:15 – Peters Mountain to Clarks Ferry Shelter – Sponsored by the York Hiking Club, this is a moderately paced 4.3 mile hike with a semi-strenuous 900 foot climb up the end of Peters Mountain. We’ll meet at the Park-n-Ride lot near the Clarks Ferry Bridge on Rt. 147, head up the Appalachian Trail to the Clarks Ferry Shelter for a nice break, go back down the mountain on the blue-blazed Susquehanna Trail and then head back to our cars. As we hike this trail we’ll stop to take in picturesque views of Duncannon, the valley surrounding Dauphin, and the Juniata and Susquehanna river junction. You must contact the hike leader (kdunleavy@duncannonatc.org) to register for this hike.
Where to park.
Challenging – 10:00 to 2:00 – Cove Mountain Shelter Hike – Sponsored by the Mountain Club of Maryland, this moderately paced 5.5 mile hike will start at Tubby’s Nightclub, climb about 700 feet to Hawk Rock, follow the AT along the ridge of Cove mountain, stop at the Cove Mountain Shelter for lunch and then turn around and head back the same way we came in. Bring a lunch and at least 2 bottles of water. You must contact the hike leader (pjohnson@duncannonatc.org) to sign up for this hike.
Where to park.
Difficult – (new time) 8:00 to 1:00 – Hawk Rock & Duncannon Tower Loop – Sponsored by the Susquehanna Appalachian Trail Club, this is a brisk paced 11 mile hike over strenuous terrain with a 700 foot climb in the first mile. We will start and finish the hike at Tubby’s Nightclub and hike on the AT to Hawk Rock. Then we will go down a steep descent and visit the ruins of a lumber mill in the Duncannon Watershed that features a magnificent 50-foot high stone and brick tower (“The Stack”) that is still standing. Hiking poles will be helpful. You must contact the hike leader (dennis-hike@duncannonatc.org) at least two days before this hike to register.
Where to park.
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Live Music
1:00 to 1:45 – CrossCountry – The “Makes You Feel Good Music” group was the result of a chance meeting of long-time Pennsylvania musicians Dave Snyder, Carl Weidenhof, and, music newbie (with the voice of an angel) Rebecca Lewis. The harmonies emitted that day and throughout the next year formed the beginning of CrossCountry. They quickly gathered a substantial following whenever they performed.
2:00 to 4:00 – Walt Crider and the Old Time Way – A five-piece band playing old time bluegrass blended with some old country sung from the heart. They play a great mix of traditional bluegrass, which any true fan of music would enjoy and they are entrenched in playing music that reflects their love of heartfelt lyrics, solid patriotism and gratitude for sacrifices made by those who have valiantly served this country. Don’t miss out on this great band!
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There will be a variety of presentations taking place throughout the afternoon between 12:00 and 4:00. There is an indoor presentation area and an outdoor presentation area. The indoor presentation area will be in the Duncannon Fire Company Fire Hall, located at the corner of Cumberland and High streets, and the outdoor presentation area will be in the Quick-Mart parking lot across the street. Don’t miss these great, informational, educational, fun, and entertaining presentation events!
Outdoor Presentation Schedule:
- 12:00 to 12:30 – Warrior Hikers “Walk off the War” – Veterans raise awareness of wounded warriors by walking the entire Appalachian Trail. Come hear their story.
- 12:30 to 1:45 – Shaver’s Creek “Birds of Prey” – Showcases live raptors to teach natural history and the challenges facing eagles, falcons, hawks and owls.
- 2:00 to 3:25 – Introduction to Backpacking – Veteran backpacker Tom Morley of York Hiking Club teaches the basics of this family-friendly recreational sport.
- 3:25 to 3:45 – Raffle Prize Drawings – All of the prizes donated by participating vendors will be distributed to their lucky winners!
- 3:45 to 4:00 – Closing Ceremonies.
Indoor Presentation Schedule:
- 12:30 to 1:00 – Meet The Photographers – Have questions about one of the presentations? Confused about one of the settings on your camera? Want to learn how to take better pictures? This is a 30-minute open session designed to allow you to mingle with the Photographers and ask questions.
- 1:00 to 1:30 – What Is Abstract Photography? – by Jason Langheine a freelance photographer specializing in Commercial Photography. Jason will give a brief explanation of abstract photography and then give a demonstration creating some fun abstract images as the crowd watches.
- 1:30 to 2:00 – Birds of Duncannon – Paul Zeph of Audubon Pennsylvania talks about the birds you are most likely to see in Duncannon.
- 2:00 to 2:45 – Perry County Heritage Collection Stories – Author Dennis J. Hocker examines Perry County’s past to provide insight to its current state.
- 2:45 to 3:15 – Portraiture & Group Photography – Gary Edmiston (hipfotoguy) a freelance photographer who enjoys portraiture and head shot photography will demonstrate simple lighting setups & techniques while using different types of soft boxes, color gel, barn doors, grids, etc.
- 3:15 to 3:30 – Meet The Photographers – An open session encouraging you to mingle with the photographers and ask questions.
- 3:30 to 4:00 – Photo-Walking: Exercising Your Creativity – by Michael Dunmire a freelance photographer & our Photography Event Coordinator. Mike will take a few minutes to discuss Photo Walking, followed by a mini-Photo Walk with attendees. We’ll discuss what it is, why should you do it, how to find other people to walk with, preparation and what to look for.
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Raffle Prizes!
Everyone will be given a free ticket just for showing up at the DATC booth on High Street and getting their hand stamped (children must be accompanied by an adult). The DATC will also be selling raffle tickets to help support the Duncannon Appalachian Trail Community so be sure to increase your odds of winning by purchasing extra tickets for $1.00 each.
Win These Great Prizes:
- Appalachian Brewing Company – Several growlers filled with our craft soda of the winners choice.
- Appalachian Long Distance Hikers Association – To be determined.
- Appalachian Trail Conservancy – Clothing, a map or a book.
- Appalacian Primitives – Walnut table with teak oil finish. See it here.
- Audubon Pennsylvania – An art print of the snowy egret in a stream, and an Audubon hat.
- Bald Eagle Gold Prospectors – A gold pan and a bag of “Pay Dirt” that has been salted with actual gold. They can use the pan to pan out their pay dirt! Members can show them how!
- BLF Original Jewelry – A matching necklace and earring set ($35 value).
- Brushwood Farm – Gift basket with soap.
- Buddy Boy Winery – A $20 gift card.
- Crafty Nana – A birdhouse or feeder.
- Discovery Toys – “A-B-Seas” game.
- Driftwood Creations – Hiking stick.
- Duncannon Appalachian Trail Community – DATC T-shirt.
- Duncannon Otterbein United Methodist Church – Hot dogs etc., baked good and a drink.
- Duncannon Outdoor Club – A book.
- Four Winds Trade Company – fresh hand dipped incense and an incense burner
- Fuhrman’s Wood Crafts – Hand turned wooden bowl. All bowls are food safe.
- Gordie’s Goodies – One variety pound of fudge and a jar of strawberry jam and a jar of apple butter. Value: $24.50
- Hook & Needle Crafts by Wanda – Hand-crocheted Ruffle Scarf.
- John Whitney (from Gallery@Second) – Beautiful framed painting of The Confluence of the Susquehanna and Juniata Rivers.
- Joy Arts – A painting.
- K&K’s Paparazzi Jewelry – A jewelry basket ($20 value).
- Kettle Corn Creations – $20 donation.
- Keystone Trails Association – Hiking boots, Pennsylvania Hiking Trails Map and one year membership to Keystone Trails Association.
- Lyme Disease Support Group – 2 bottles of Cedar Oil, Natures Tick Repellent.
- Mixed Not Stirred – Gift certificates.
- Mountain Club of Maryland – To be determined.
- Mountainside Supper Club – $20 Gift Certificate to Dinner at Buddy Boy Winery in Duncannon.
- Operation Life Saver – To be determined.
- Origami Owl – A Living Locket.
- PA Nut Growers Association – PNGA hat.
- Perry Heritage Collection – Books: “Life Along the Shermans” ($15) and “Ghost Towns of Perry County” ($15).
- Phillip’s Dairy Air Soap & MJ’s Candles – Gift basket including soap and candles.
- Pin Me – Fabric flower pin, magnet clothes pins, homemade cards, hair accessories, a cup cozy and some other goodies.
- PNC Bank – A $15 PNC Visa Gift Card
- Road Hawg BBQ – A $20 gift certificate for Road Hawg BBQ.
- Rockwood Soy Company – A jar candle ($28 value).
- Salvaged Soiree – 4 burlap coffee sack placemats.
- Sara’s Sew Creative – A set of burp cloths and bibs.
- SisterDogs – $20 gift certificate to Bass Pro Shop.
- Sleepy Jean Studio – A nature themed necklace and earring set made specially for this show ($25 – $30 value).
- SLG Crafts – A sun catcher.
- Susquehanna Appalachian Trail Club – Free T-shirt and membership ($25 value).
- Susquehanna Greenway Partnership – Two metal water bottles, a bound copy of the PA Audubon’s Susquehanna River Birding Trail and Guide, local maps and guides and stickers. ($20 value)
- T.H.G Studio – Signed, limited edition, giclée print.
- Tastefully Simple – A leather tote bag.
- Vagabond Polish – Basket of soap and other product.
- Wildfire Pottery – Lidded jar.
- York Hiking Club – To be determined.
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DATC Commemorative Wooden Tokens
Anyone who donates $5 or more to the Duncannon Appalachian Trail Community will receive a free two inch laser etched wooden token to commemorate the 2014 Duncannon Blast. These high quality tokens were made by the Susquenita Middle School as part of a Trail to Every Classroom project. Be sure to stop by the DATC booth to get yours.
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Parking and Directions
Since the Market Street bridge (near the Rt. 11-15 overpass at the south end of Duncannon) will be closed on the day of the festival, it will be best to come into town via Rt. 322. If you are coming into town on Rt. 11-15:
- The Rt.322 East exit is 3.1 miles north of the Duncannon exit.
- Take the Rt.322 East exit.
- Drive 1.3 miles on Rt. 322 East.
- Take the Rt. 849 Duncannon exit.
- Cross the Juniata River.
- Go under the railroad bridge.
- Keep left on Market Street.
- Drive 1 mile through town.
- Turn right on Ann Street near “The Pub”.
- Drive 2 blocks to the festival on High Street.
On the day of the festival, you can park along the streets where it is permitted or you can park in one of the lots shown on the map below.
- Presbyterian Church Lot
- Methodist Church Lot
- God’s Missionary Church Lot
- Old Sled Works South Lot
- Clark’s Ferry Commuter Lot (2 mile scenic hike to festival)
- American Legion Back Lot (walk 330 yards to festival)
- (AFTER 1PM) Blue Ridge Communications Lot
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Festival Vendors
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Festival Friends
The following organizations have made significant donations or contributions to help fund the 2014 Duncannon Appalachian Trail Community Festival and we greatly appreciate their help.
- BuildASign.com
- Duncannon Borough
- Miles Fund Grant from the Mountain Club of Maryland
- My Wife’s Barn & Appalacian Primitives
- Red 102.3
- Your Ideal Printer
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Join the Fun
We’re looking for volunteers to help make this festival a great day for everyone. Sign up on our Volunteer Page to enjoy a fun day outside with your fellow Duncannon enthusiasts.
If you’re interested in being a vendor at the festival, please go to our Vendor Registration Page for more information.
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Why We Do It
The Duncannon Appalachian Trail Community (DATC) is dedicated to promoting, protecting and preserving our outdoor recreational resources for future generations. We implement projects and programs to enhance tourism opportunities for Duncannon as an outdoor recreation destination and we encourage everyone to get outside, enjoy nature and recognize the connection between the health and abundance of the region’s natural assets and the vitality of its communities.
Come out and enjoy a fun day in Duncannon! We hope to see you there!
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The Susquehanna Rovers Volksmarch Club held a 5k and 10k walk for the initial Duncannon Appalachian Trail Community Festival. I have received an email requesting that we hold another for the June 21, 2014 festival. I have contacted the president of the club and we will put it to a vote at our club meeting on Tuesday, October 29th. The president, Amy Trommer, supports holding a club walk. The walk received many favorable comments from our members as well as other clubs’ members.
I do not know who should be contacted about this, so please let me know who the contact is and how to reach that contact.
Sean…. Participation in the June 21, 2014 A.T. Festival has been approved by the Susquehanna Rovers Volksmarch Club. I would like to schedule a meeting with you at your earliest convenience so that I may begin organizing our club’s hike. I plan to be leaving the state for a couple of months beginning in January, and again in April. So….I have much to do to insure that all is correctly planned and organized.
Need a band?
Would love to play this event.
My son, the drummer, is hiker trash from newborn on.
We live near the AT at Smith Gap Pa, and have been listed in all hiker handbooks since 1989.
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