DOC/ATC National Family Hiking Day

DOC Logo The Duncannon Outdoor Club (DOC) joined the Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC) in their efforts to celebrate National Family Hiking Day in September, 2016.  The DOC offered a “hike at your own pace” hike up to Hawk Rock.  Prior to the assent participants decorated tree cookie necklaces provided by the ATC.  They were so popular that other hikers at the top inquired how to get a necklace.

A group shot with out tree cookie necklaces.

A group shot with out tree cookie necklaces.

Participants included a wide range of ages.  A baby, kids, adults and three dogs comprised our list of adventurers.  Many of our hikers had always wanted to hike Hawk Rock but were hesitant to do so independently or in a group because of the difficulty.  When given the option to hike at one’s own pace in a group with an experienced leader, hikers chose to enjoy a safe, comfortable alternative and mastered the climb.  Everyone made it to the top and back successfully without incident.

Checking out one of the riddles posted along the way,

Checking out one of the riddles posted along the way,

In order to motivate the hikers and make it entertaining, thirty riddles, with answers on the flip side, were posted along the way.  Many hikers, not with our group, read the riddles as they hiked up and down the mountain.  A big thank you goes to Sean O for posting the riddles ahead of time.  Riddles were removed by the sweep so as to leave no trace.  What was the riddle at the top? :  What does a mountain and an addition problem have in common? (answer at article’s end).

Below are pictures depicting the event.


Answer to the riddle: You sum it.


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